Tips for Night Camping
(Do let me know if you want Hindi version of it)
Friends as the season for Night Camping has started and most of you have already planned trips with either some professional groups or group of friends. There are some safety precautions you should take to make your trip successful and avoid any complications.
Moving ahead with the most important precaution is, "Always go with experienced and qualified professional tour agencies/guides". If you do this, most of the precautions will be taken care by them and you will be left with concern for your personal acts only. Mind it.
Now lets move further:
Before you go on Night Camping
Idea of Camping in forest that too in night is very fascinating. It is considered as the most favorite outdoor activity throughout the world, but before going on any of this trip, you should do the preparation as mentioned below:-
1. Selecting Tents (If not provided by organizer or you are on self organized trip)
- Do not buy those cheap tents available on internet pricing below 2500/-. Believe me those are just fabric structure with fragile poles which are suitable for kids only and will break after 1-2 use. They claims to be waterproof but actually they are not.
- Since the Tents are directly related to your personal safety and saves you from weather conditions, you should only buy branded tents like Quechua, Wildcraft and Coleman.
- Do not buy those big tents with capacity above 3 person. Those tents are hard to setup, takes time to dismental and are heavy to transport. It is better to have multiple tents of 2 or 3 Person capacity. They are easy to setup, less in weight and occupy less space in your home.
- Buy Tents which has detachable rain sheet, it will help you to use it in non raining condition with more scope for ventilation.
- Tent which you buy should have durable poles and the tent structure should tug with poles by the help of hook. Do not buy those tents which have openings in the structure and you need to slide the poles in side it, they are very pathetic to use.
- For your conveyance, I am giving link of Quechua 3 Men Tent which I use regularly and its too good as compared to the price. It has outer rain cover, inner mosquito net and space for ventilation. Also it has 2 doors which are very convenient otherwise in other tents, person sleeping on the far corner finds it difficult to make his/her way out.
- If you have extra budget, you can also try Coleman 3 person tent, it is more versatile, has fiberglass poles for better strength, super ventilation and good ground sheet.
- Apart from these brands, do not get cheated with lucrative advertisements, you will only end-up frustrated with bad products.
2. Selecting Rucksack (Bag)
- As a thumb rule, always go for brand. They put huge amount to research designs that are suitable to your body to save you from body ache and also they are meant to be used for long periods.
- Select Waterproof bags with waterproof cover.
- Anything above 40L capacity is suitable for 2-3 day Camping trip.
- It should have multiple compartments so that your stuff will not get messed up and you will find them whenever you need it.
- Bring a size which is suitable for your stuff and try to carry stuff as low as possible.
- Few companies are giving rucksack with solar panels which are useful for mobile charging, but I have not used it thus check before you buy.
- As told earlier, you should only take branded stuffs so that it will not get teared apart during day long hiking and you are landed in soup.
- Dedicate a compartment of the bag for safety kits i.e. thread, needle, safety pins, first Aid kit, Swiss Knife and other life saving stuff.
- Last but not least, the bag should have heavy zipper with strong puller and also it should have space to carry sleeping mat.
- Quechua is best, you can choose to buy from this link: Backpacks
- Suppose you are on Camping Trip, you have setup you tent, your bag is inside the Tent, you have lightup the camp fire but the surface is wet and there is no place to sit!!! Or you are sitting on a ground and you have threat of being bitten by insects and reptiles!!! Certainly not a good idea. Thus for a comfortable and safe Camping experience, always carry light and fold-able camping chairs or stools.
- It will not only make your trip comfortable but also you will be saved by unwanted and uninvited troubles.
- In case you are not carrying camping furniture, inspect the place thoroughly before sitting and make the surface clean from any leafs or dry petals.
- If you are driving by car and not doing hiking, you can bring folding Tables as well.
- This will also create amazing camping experience and beautiful pictures.
- Here is link to buy some amazing camping stuff : Awesome Camping Furnitures
4. Safety Equipments
- If you are a frequent camper, it is worth to have following safety items with you.
- UV Torch: You should buy a good UV Flashlight. Why? Many people will be amazed to know that Scorpions in night get illuminated if you put UV light on them and you can easily find them, By using good quality UV Flashlight you will be able to spot SCORPIONS around the proposed camp site. With its help, you can check whether the proposed camping site is safe for camping or not. Do not buy cheap flashlights, they will not work and it is matter of your safety. Link is given for various UV Flashlights Click Here
but I will personally recommend to buy 21 LED UV Torch due to its intensity and better results.
- Mosquito/Insect Repellent: Sounds usual but most of us forget to carry one and then we spend rest of the night fighting with them.
5. Other small stuffs
- Fire Starter: I know people dream about using a fire starter flint and scratch it to lightup the fire. Believe me it is just a waste of money and consumes lot of energy and time. Better you carry a small lighter or few match box wrapped in plastic bag.
- Stove: If you plan to make Maggie or some dish, you need utensils and stove. I personally do not buy stove as it has so many limitations and the weight is also a matter. Better is make Desi stove by arranging stones and put dry wood pieces collected from the forest as fuel.
- Utensils: For cooking, Portable Outdoor Cooking Set
is best. I personally recommend to use CAMPSOR as it has Cooking and Serving both items and the price is very competitive.
- Flash Light: Maybe you are more focused to buy a big and bright LED Torch but this is not what you really want in camping. My suggestion will be to buy a Torch which is handy, less weighted and have self charging Dynamo mechanism so that you are never caught with empty batteries. I am very much impressed with Hand Pressing Flashlight which costs only Rs. 130.
- Sleeping Bag: A good sleeping bag with temperature rating is must for peaceful sleep during camping. Always look for Temperature Rating depending on your usage area. Do not buy sleeping bag with low temperature rating unless you are planning for high altitude camping. For day to day camping in Forest Areas, any sleeping bag rated +10 degree is sufficient. I use Quechua and it is good and affordable. You can take a look on it here.
- Sleeping Mat & Pillow: This is a must for comfortable sleep and also a sleeping mat will reduce the temperature absorption from your body to earth. Bring an Air Pillow as well for complete peaceful sleep. (Do not buy airbed, it is bulky, takes lot of energy to fill and also it occupies so much space in your backpack).
During Night Camping
Now since you are all set up, you have Tent, Utensils, Furniture, Sleeping Bag, Backpack, Safety Kits etc. You need to take care for following safety measurements which will not only make your Camping safe, but also it will create joyful experience for you and others.
1. Selecting Spot/Place of Camping:
- You should always choose a spot which is well connected with roads and nearby village is there so that you get help if it is required.
- Always inform locals that you are doing Camping. This will serve 2 purpose, one is they know that you are doing camping and they will not misunderstood you with any poachers or illegal encroachment, another is they will keep an eye on you and will come for help if anything goes wrong.
- It would be better if you hire a professional guide for this. They have so many options and safety is their prime goal. You can call on +91 8989463577 for any guidance in Indore or Madhya Pradesh.
- Be humble with locals and greet them in their local language i.e. "Raam" or "Jai Ram Ji Ki". This will create bridge of trust between both of you and you will feel more safer.
- Try to observe the land and see if there are any termite mound or ant colony, if yes, change your place.
- The place should be clean and even surface. No leafs, dry petals or wood particles should be there. Clean it before setting up your tents.
- Ideally the Tent should not be just below the tree. If the storm comes, you have risk of either getting caught in falling tree branch or in some serious cases you are electrified by storm lightening.
- Keep Rains in mind, select the area wisely, I am sure you don't want to setup your tent in possible water logging area.
2. Animal & Insect Safety:
- Inquire and Inspect about all the residents of that particular place where you are camping.
- Look for marks of animals i.e. Scratches, Pugmarks, Scat and other identification marks. You should be fully aware about the possible threat of wildlife encounter.
- You can refer the article written by WWF India to understand the animal pugmarks in field. Click here to read the article.
- Do not keep used meal utensils near to camp site if you are camping in the area where sloth bears are there. They can smell food from miles and will create troubles for you.
- Never eat inside tent, food pieces will fall inside tent and it will invite ants and mice, sleeping with them is not a good idea.
- Use UV Torch to inspect the area for Scorpions.
- Do not keep tent open otherwise insects and reptiles can get inside.
- If you are in Tent, switch on the torch only once you close the mosquito net, otherwise torch light will attract insects and you will get troubles. Specially in Rainy season this problem is just unbearable. This is the reason I do not go for Camping in rainy season.
- Never wear perfume in Forest. This will attract bees and insects.
- Snakes are fond of Tents. Inspect your tent thoroughly every time you get inside it.
- Always carry the Venom Extractor with you. Look above for details.
- Keep your shoes either inside tent or inspect them properly every time you wear it. It happens sometime that you find some insects or reptiles hiding in it.
- Keep your food in airtight container and above surface.
- If you listen some noise outside Tent in dead of night, try to call other people in other tent and know their status.
- Make loud noise from tent if you feel any wild animal is out there. Don't worry it will not tear your tent and come inside unless you have some food item with strong smell and a bear is there for its search.
- Last but not least, tell your family members about the place where you are going and expected time to come back.
3. Safety from Human
- Never camp in unknown area.
- Always have some professional or any local person with you.
- Do not argue with locals and it is better to meet "Sarpanch" or any local authority before getting inside forest.
- Do not camp in small numbers. Solo camping is lucrative but it invites troubles.
- There is no better escape from troubles better than "Presence of Mind", use it.
- Camping inside forest without permission is crime, it is better to meet the local forest guard and tell him about your plan. He will gladly support you and tell you best camping area and also he/she will inform you about possible threats.
- If you sense something wrong, it is better to reach to nearest village and ask for help.
- If due to any reason, you can't camp inside forest and you are in search of a shade to spend night, Govt. School complex or aanganwadi is best place to take a hide.
- If you are caught by goons, be calm, be submissive and humble, offer them food and money and tell them you are nature lover and camping here. In most of the cases, they will either take food and money and run away or they will leave you unaffected.
- If you are in group, be together, jungle is a place where you can get lost easily.
- If you are lost in jungle, look for human or cattle signs. You can find their foot marks or dung on forest trails. Also go on high area and look for any human made structure and make your way towards it.
- If you are lost in night time, try to search for city or village lights, if you find one, go towards it.
- While walking in dark forest, make loud noise or sing loud songs. This will alert wild animals and they will run away well in advance before you surprise them and they attack on you in misconception.
- Last but not least, always carry self defense gadgets like CHILLI SPRAY
and STUN GUN. This will prove to be GOD Gift in case of personal attack and make attacker immobilize for sometime. Please note this is for reference only and I am not responsible for any non function or any personal injury/loss due to any act of the user/camper/attacker.
- If you are inside forest where wild animals are there, you should be fully alert and choose a camping place which is in open area.
- Never lean down during walking in forest, if there is any carnivores, it will misunderstand you with some small animal and may attack on you.
- If you encounter any carnivores from close distance, it is better to be calm, don't run otherwise it will ignite its hunter instinct, avoid eye contact with animals, be straight, stand tall, don't sow your back to animal, take small back steps and try to get out of there.
- If animal attacks, make loud noise, stand tall, show your self as big as you can, jump and cry loud, use your mind.
- There is a great product available on internet which will not only stop the animal attack but also it will give you enough time to run away safely. This is called chilly spray which you can spray directly in animal eyes which will immobilize it for some time and make it temporary blind. Best thing is it is not lethal and it will not permanently harm the animal. You can ORDER IT HERE
. Please note this is for reference only and I am not responsible for any non function or any personal injury/loss due to any act of the user/camper.
- It is better to not to disturb any wild animal in its habitat. Kindly avoid it.
- Remember, forest is home of wild animal and you are just a visitor, behave like that.
Closing Reamarks: Dear all, I have tried to cover all the aspects of Camping/Hiking safety. If you have any more suggestions, I would be glad to have it. Wish you happy camping.
You can contact me on my mail ID or on my phone number 7000870513.
Thank You,